
Strategic Plan

UD Strategic Plan: A Formula for Flourishing


在2019年秋季,教务长办公室开始了一个全面的合作过程 制定一个新的战略计划,作为增长和可持续发展的路线图 of UD’s educational mission.

在随后的几个月里,在董事会战略规划委员会的指导下, 我们非常小心地纳入了广泛的大学选区的意见, 从教师,职员,学生领导到行政人员,通过一系列 听力课程、在线调查以及与特拉华大学的持续讨论 委员会.

结果是以下的策略计划,由保管委员会于五月批准 29, 2020, and presented to faculty and staff in the fall of 2020.

愿景 Statement

学术卓越体现在严格的天主教教育,致力于终身 pursuit of wisdom, truth and virtue.

Elaboration of the 愿景 Statement

云顶集团旨在为天主教大学教育提供典范. 它试图通过将全面的自由教育与纪律教育相结合来实现这一目标 formation in a wide variety of majors and graduate programs in a manner unmatched by any other Catholic university. Through its rigorous and intimate approach to educating 整个人,云顶集团培养在现在,过去,未来和 终身学习那些使他们生活繁荣的思想和心灵习惯 为家庭、社区和国家服务的个人和职业生活 和信仰.

Strategic Plan

通过在各个层面上追求卓越——在师资和学术课程方面, 在它的校园精神和学生生活和部长活动,并在它的推广 为社区、国家和教会做出贡献——这是云顶集团努力实现的目标 permanent financial well-being in order to fulfill more perfectly the ends of its distinctive mission. Strategy guides action, and requires a prudent arrangement of priorities to realize the university’s vision. This strategic plan is the fruit of 批判性的辨别我们的优势和劣势,以及仔细的反思 鉴于当前的挑战,我们的收入和捐赠增长的机会 to higher education in our local and national landscape. The strategic plan is structured 主题围绕几个领域进行近期和长期的集中努力 for the long-term financial health and the fulfillment of our vision. 这意味着 as a dynamic guide, as opposed to a static blueprint, to enable the university to 调整以应对未预料到的挑战(如COVID-19大流行)和机遇.

For the foreseeable future, we will focus our efforts on the following themes:

  • Academic excellence in service to an education that always matters.
  • Building our reputation and recognition.
  • Forming character in service to a life well-lived.
  • 透过不同的计划,加深我们服务教会和国家的承诺.

在追求这些主题的过程中,需要不断关注市场营销. 我们的新营销方法将以讲述与……相关的引人入胜的故事为中心 these four themes. These stories will seek to strengthen existing relationships with 我们的校友,家长和朋友,并与朋友和未来建立新的关系 学生. The central message of our future marketing efforts will consist of emphasizing first that the University of Dallas provides an exceptional Catholic liberal arts 本科阶段的教育,其次是研究生课程的培养 社会各个领域的新一代有能力和有远见的领导人 特别强调培养那些能够反过来为他人提供这种教育的人.

Theme: Academic Excellence in 服务 to an Education that Always Matters

云顶集团致力于探索永恒的真理,但绝不可能 does it sacrifice preparing our 学生 for the present and future by doing so. 这样的 dedication swims against the current in higher education in two fundamental ways: 通过假设有重要的真相有待发现,并优先考虑他们的 研究. Some institutions, out of expediency or ambivalence about this foundational 高等教育的方法,优先考虑今天的趋势和预测判断 be the most relevant for job preparation. While devoting sufficient attention and 为职业准备和发展任务提供资源,云顶集团 尽管如此,他还是确信处理阵型是一个首要的错误 in wisdom, truth and virtue as a secondary concern. The larger goal and ambition of 因此,我们的本科和研究生核心课程是提供一个基础 以培养学生终身成功为目的的基本原则教育 in both their personal and professional lives. We work to provide an education that 不仅为学生的第一份工作做好准备,也为他们的第五份和第十五份工作做好准备. 与我们的本科和研究生核心课程相结合的是专业和浓度 that ready our 学生 for the here and now, as well as the beyond. It is the combination of the timeless with the contemporary, a combination that is especially evident in 科学和商业研究与人文学科相结合的方式, that makes our education one that always matters.

Theme: Reputation and Recognition

为了让云顶集团实现它的愿景,它还需要建立 long-term financial stability. Ultimately, that requires that we make significant 在提高大学的声誉和扩大认可方面取得了长足的进步 its excellence and distinctiveness. Making progress on this theme is essential to 更高的入学率,更多的参与和现有捐助者的支持,更多的网络 for student and alumni career advancement, and new donors and friends. 

Theme: Forming Character in 服务 to a Life Well-Lived

在情感和心理健康方面出现了前所未有的下降 college-aged 学生 in the past decade. We know there are many causes, including isolation from community, a growing sense that life is meaningless, and a growing lack of integration of the mind, body and spirit. These are causes that the University of Dallas is well poised to correct with its formation in the intellectual, moral 神学上的美德,以及我们对培养适应力和创业精神的重视 spirit in our 学生 and alumni. We aim to be a paradigm for an integrated and rich approach to preparing 学生 for lives of meaning and purpose.

Theme: 服务 to Church and Country

近年来,云顶集团的学术严谨性得到了公认 以其独特的古典与当代学习的结合以及天主教的特色而闻名. 这些认识受到欢迎,但往往忽略了一个核心特征 在云顶集团的血脉中深深流淌着对古典文化的培养 virtue of patriotism. The University of Dallas strives to make its 学生 better 人类,这包括帮助他们成长为宗教和 political communities who dedicate themselves to serving others. We seek to prepare 我们的学生与上帝永恒,并为他们的日子和年龄作为积极的贡献者 to building a culture of justice and love. Love for America’s founding principles 在云顶集团是真诚的,正如对上帝和邻居的爱所表达的那样 in principles of solidarity and the common good. Our rigorous 和信仰ful curricular 课外活动的重点是为学生准备两个城市的双重国籍 让我们的毕业生为将来的工作做好独一无二的准备 of civil, military and professional leadership, and to build up the institutional Church through significant contributions as lay and religious leaders.

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